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Monster advice about WAC blogging

6 Jun

Blogging about WAC can be something you do for every class you are taking… right?

Use your blog to write about what you’re learning in other classes, draft papers here, think through issues, practice thinking about other subjects. Use your blog to write about our WAC class and your readings and when you are assigned blog posts, sure, but also use the blog to think through whatever else you are learning or reading. Do you write poetry? I write haiku. Like this:

Watched Kick-Ass today.

Appalled by the violence.

My new favorite film.

Use your blog to write anything. (Now what I want to learn is how to eliminate the open lines between the haiku lines–it looks awful like this.)

Do you want to muse about a song that makes you think? Do it in your blog. What does music have to do with writing? Compositions… composing. Listening, reading, rhythm, rhyme, pacing, control, intonation, inflection, so on. Be open to the WAC connections, and the WAC connections will come to you.

WAC is the first love

Of my academic life,

But it’s not the last.

If I could choose anything I might do for a few years, with no consequences and all expenses paid, I’d go to Japan and study haiku. I even think in haiku sometimes, though you’d never know it from most of my writing life… I can really ramble, no limits, no censors, on and on and on. Perhaps this is why I love the six-word memoir genre so much–I only get six words to say something.

I teach writing; students teach me.

A new post with six words

6 Jun

Bloggers have rights; I didn’t know.