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Writing blogs abound

3 Jun

I happened to find a writer’s blog this morning, and it was most fun. I spent at least 30 minutes reading and learning. Try to find some writer’s blogs or blog and share with each other.

I’m putting my wanderings and findings in “Got WAC?” on the header to keep all links to such places in one central location. I’ll write about what I find, of course, well, not always, but I will continue to collect links in that one spot.  I think knowing various writers on the web and the writing they are doing is a great benefit to our WAC Attack at AUM.

I lay down this challenge: while surfing around on the cyberwaves of the web, see if you can find some blogs by writers about writing to collect. Try to find five by Wednesday, June 8.  Find one, and you’ll likely find blogroll links to a lot more, just as you might explore a bibliography in a book to see what other works are out there on a topic, you will find writers through writers. We can grow our writerly knowledge and WAC knowledge from such investigation.

I vow to find four more by next Wed.–and ones that I don’t already know!

Go blogosphere.